Epson Computer Tip: Resizing Photos
By Barbara Kotsos |
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There are two ways to easily resize your photos in Photoshop
Open your image, and then go to Image Resize ->
Image Size (the keyboard shortcut for this
is ALT + CTRL + I). You can then enter in the size you’d
like your photo to be. You will want to keep the same proportions,
so as you change the width the height will automatically adjust.
Or you can change the height and the width will automatically
2. You can also use the Crop Tool (C) to quickly crop and
resize your photo in one step. Open your photo, and click
on the Crop tool (or typeC). Click and drag the marquee over
our picture – a cropping border will appear around your
picture (the part to be cropped away will be darker). You
can make the cropping border bigger or smaller by dragging
the corner or side handles, or you can move it around your
picture by clicking inside the border and dragging. Once you
have the border where you want it, click on the checkmark
at the bottom right of the cropping border (or hit Enter on
your keyboard). To cancel your crop, click on the “cancel”
sign (or press the Esc key). Now let’s take a closer
look at the Options Bar of the Crop Tool. If you look at
the pull-down menu next to aspect Ratio, you’ll see
several options:
- No Restriction – use this option when you want
to crop your photo without resizing it (like you would
with a paper trimmer). Selecting No Restriction will also
clear out any dimensions in the options bar (from previous
- Use Photo Ratio – this is a handy way to figure
out just how big your picture is in the first place (and
its resolution). You can also use it to crop your picture
so that it stays the same size.
- Preset Crop Sizes (4x6, 5s7, etc) – this is a
quick option if you need to crop your photo to a standard
can also type in your own dimensions and resolution in the
Options Bar. This is especially useful if you need your
picture to fit behind a slide mount or small frame, for
example. Simply measure the opening of the frame and put
those dimension in the Options bar. Your resolution should
be 300 pixels per inch for printing.
Epson America, Inc. |