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Epson Computer Tip – A New Way To Tell Your Story
(Using CreativeZone StoryTeller Templates)
By Barbara Kotsos

For project ideas and more, visit www.epsoncreativezone.com

Here is the quickest way to make a beautiful digital scrapbook. You do it with this product: StoryTeller and the free templates on our website designed especially for use with it. Using PSE, all you do is drop your photos and text into the digital page templates.

First, go to the site, & look for the StoryTeller category. Select your design theme by looking through all the options.

Pick one, and then choose templates to match the book’s page size, either 5x7 or 8x10 Download the instruction file and all the pages. There are enough to fill all 10 pages! Create each page, 1 by 1, by placing your photos and any text on each page.

For the cover, you’ve 2 options: either use this long paper and the software in the kit to make a cover or just use another page design, add your photos, print, then glue to the front and back covers.

Check out the great designs…dance, birthdays, etc. New design themes are constantly being added to the site, so keep checking! The beauty of these is that once you design one, you can print out as many as you like, in no time. And you’ll want to! Everyone will want one of their own!

Barbara Kotsos

Sponsor: Epson America, Inc.

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