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Epson Computer Tip: Custom Photo Mattes
Putting a matte behind a photo on an album page is like framing a favorite photo. With a home printer and scanner, it’s easy to make custom mattes for special photos. Here are some ideas:
Download seasonal, colorful patterned pages for free from the web site. You’ll find these in the scrapbooking section. A variety of ready-to-print patterns for page backgrounds or photo mattes.
Create backgrounds you’ll never see anywhere else. Use your scanner and your own imagination.
Take a photo you love and pick one element to scan as a matte. Have fun scanning 3-D items but remember to cover the lid of the scanner with a dark cloth so you don’t allow any light in.
Layer more than one photo. For example take a photo of sand or seashells like these, and then place a photo of the kids at the beach right over it. Print them out on photo paper, and they will really be the stars of your album pages.
Sponsor: Epson

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