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Epson Computer Tip: How to scan negatives and slides and automatically remove dust/clean

Some of the latest scanners – like the Epson 4870 - are programmed with a new technology to get you the best prints possible of your old images. These scanners can restore faded or discolored old photos. And since it’s always best when you want to reproduce photos, to start with the most original version of that photo you should scan the negatives of those old photos, or slides, if you’re lucky enough to have them. Another good reason to start with the negative or slide is that you can instantly clean your slides and negatives. If you have old slides and negatives in bad condition, this is the technology for you.
Dust Removal – Slides & Negatives

Dust removal is a feature of the Epson 4870 Scanner that can be used on slides and negatives. We are using Epson’s Film Factory software to scan the slides and negatives into.

1) Open your program
2) Open your scanner, make sure your scanner is unlocked and plugged in.
3) Lay your slides or negatives in the holders
4) Remove the document mat from the top of the scanner – this is your additional light source which is required for scanning slides and negatives
5) Place the slide or negative holder onto the scanner bed.
6) Then from Film Factory you will go to Import then From Twain Device
7) Once the Epson Scan comes up you will want to select your Document Type (slides = positive film, negatives = negatives), Image Type and Destination then select Preview
8) Once your images area scanned they will appear in thumbnails in your preview screen.
9) Before you scan your images you will want to check them for any adjustment such as cropping, digital ice, de-screening filter, color restoration and dust removal.
10) To make any changes on the images you will need to select Image Adjustments. Once selected your Image Adjustments box will appear.
11) Switching to Full Size view – you will be able to flip through each of the slides to make any adjustments.
12) The slide showing will be the one that you are making Image Adjustments on. For the Dust Removal you will want to select that feature in addition to any other available adjustments. While using Dust Removal the only other feature available is Color Restoration. Select one or both of the adjustments.
13) To tell if you need to use the Dust Removal feature you will need to look at your photos for dust that looks small dark flecks or speckles.
14) After Dust Removal is completed the speckles or dust will be removed from the photo.

Sponsor: Epson America

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