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Epson Computer Tip:
What to do with your digital photos

The goal is to get your photos to a place you can easily find them when you need them. There is a lot of sophisticated software meant for graphic designers, but the easiest ones are the programs that come with your camera or photo printer. Once they’re in the computer, here are a few ways to store these files.
Option 1: Keep the photos stored in your software program.
Option 2: Save each roll of film on a separate CD. Each CD can hold lots of photos, equal to many rolls of film, but you may want just one CD for each event or time period.
Option 3: If you choose to store your pictures on CD, to make it even easier to use, print out an index or contact sheet for each set. It’s a sheet with a mini size photo of each photo on each file. This way, you can quickly look at your printouts till you find the one you’re looking for. Keep them in a file or a binder.
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